Supercomputer MCQs

100 Supercomputer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Competitive Examinations

Computer MCQS MCQ

100 Supercomputer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Competitive Examinations

Are you preparing for competitive examinations that include questions about supercomputers? Look no further! Our comprehensive collection of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on supercomputers covers a wide range of topics, from their history and architecture to their applications in various fields. Test your knowledge and boost your preparation with these MCQs. Get ready to ace your supercomputer-related exams! Get ready to excel in computer-related exams.

  1. What is the primary function of a supercomputer?
    a) Scientific simulations
    b) Word processing
    c) Graphic design
    d) Web browsing
  2. Which organization is credited with developing the first supercomputer?
    a) IBM
    b) Cray Research
    c) Intel
    d) NVIDIA
  3. What does the term “FLOPS” stand for in the context of supercomputing?
    a) Floating Point Operations Per Second
    b) Frames Loaded Over Parallel Systems
    c) Frequency of Logical Operations Per Second
    d) Fuzzy Logic for Optimized Processing Speed
  4. Which supercomputer architecture is known for its vector processing capabilities?
    a) SIMD
    b) MIMD
    c) SISD
    d) MISD
  5. Who is often referred to as the “Father of Supercomputing” for his contributions to early supercomputer design?
    a) Seymour Cray
    b) Steve Jobs
    c) Alan Turing
    d) John von Neumann
  6. Which supercomputer operating system is widely used in the HPC (High-Performance Computing) community?
    a) Windows
    b) Linux
    c) macOS
    d) Unix
  7. Which supercomputer is famous for its cooling system, which uses a combination of water and refrigerant?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  8. Which programming language is commonly used for supercomputing applications?
    a) Python
    b) Java
    c) Fortran
    d) Ruby
  9. Which of the following is not a benchmark commonly used for supercomputing performance measurement?
    a) LINPACK
    b) SPEC
    c) Geekbench
    d) HPL
  10. What is the purpose of a supercomputer’s interconnect or network topology?
    a) To connect to the internet
    b) To manage power distribution
    c) To link multiple processors for communication
    d) To cool the system
  11. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for climate modeling and research?
    a) IBM Roadrunner
    b) Cray Titan
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX100
  12. In the TOP500 list, what does the term “TOP” refer to?
    a) Total Operations Performance
    b) Total Operations Performed
    c) Topology Optimization Process
    d) Theoretical Operations Performance
  13. What is the architecture of a typical supercomputer cluster?
    a) Shared-memory
    b) Distributed-memory
    c) Single-processor
    d) Quantum-based
  14. Which supercomputer was the first to achieve a sustained performance of one petaFLOPS (quadrillion floating-point operations per second)?
    a) IBM Roadrunner
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) ASCI Red
  15. Which supercomputer is known for its use in nuclear weapons simulations?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  16. Which supercomputer is named after the famous Chinese philosopher Laozi?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  17. Which supercomputer architecture is designed for processing multiple instruction streams simultaneously?
    a) SIMD
    b) MIMD
    c) SISD
    d) MISD
  18. What is the purpose of a cooling system in a supercomputer?
    a) To keep the room warm
    b) To prevent overheating and maintain optimal operating temperature
    c) To provide drinking water
    d) To reduce noise
  19. What is the name of the supercomputer project developed by the Russian government for military applications?
    a) Red Super
    b) SKIF
    c) Rascom
    d) KremlinCore
  20. Which supercomputer is associated with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  21. Which technology is commonly used for cooling supercomputers and servers?
    a) Liquid cooling
    b) Air cooling
    c) Solar cooling
    d) Wind cooling
  22. Which of the following supercomputers is designed primarily for AI and deep learning tasks?
    a) Summit
    b) Tianhe-2
    c) Roadrunner
    d) Blue Gene
  23. Which organization maintains and updates the TOP500 list of supercomputers?
    a) IEEE
    b) LINPACK
    c) University of California, Berkeley
    d) TOP500
  24. Which supercomputer is known for its use in weather forecasting and climate research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  25. What is the purpose of redundancy in supercomputing systems?
    a) To increase computational power
    b) To provide backup in case of hardware failures
    c) To enhance software performance
    d) To reduce energy consumption
  26. Which supercomputer manufacturer is known for its iconic T3D and T3E series of machines?
    a) IBM
    b) Cray Research
    c) Sun Microsystems
    d) NVIDIA
  27. In supercomputing, what does the term “exascale” refer to?
    a) A supercomputer with a processing speed of one exabyte per second
    b) A supercomputer with a processing speed of one exaflop per second
    c) A supercomputer with a billion cores
    d) A supercomputer with exabyte-sized storage
  28. Which supercomputer was the first to use liquid immersion cooling technology?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Aquasar
  29. Which parallel processing architecture is used in graphics processing units (GPUs)?
    a) SIMD
    b) MIMD
    c) SISD
    d) MISD
  30. What is the significance of Moore’s Law in the context of supercomputing?
    a) It predicts the doubling of supercomputer performance every two years.
    b) It sets a limit on the number of transistors in a supercomputer.
    c) It regulates the cost of supercomputers.
    d) It determines the color of supercomputing components.
  31. Which of the following is an open-source operating system commonly used in supercomputing?
    a) Windows
    b) macOS
    c) Linux
    d) Unix
  32. What technology is used to interconnect processors in a supercomputer to enable parallel processing?
    a) Ethernet
    b) InfiniBand
    c) USB
    d) Bluetooth
  33. Which of the following is not a supercomputer manufacturer or designer?
    a) Intel
    b) Cray
    c) Fujitsu
    d) NVIDIA
  34. Which supercomputer is known for its modular design and scalability, allowing for easy expansion?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Sunway TaihuLight
  35. What is the primary factor that limits the size and power of supercomputers?
    a) Cost
    b) Available space
    c) Cooling technology
    d) Energy consumption
  36. Which programming model is commonly used for supercomputing tasks that require parallelism?
    a) Sequential programming
    b) Multithreading
    c) Message passing
    d) Event-driven programming
  37. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for quantum computing research?
    a) Summit
    b) Tianhe-2
    c) Roadrunner
    d) Blue Gene
  38. What is the main drawback of liquid immersion cooling in supercomputers?
    a) It is less efficient than air cooling.
    b) It is expensive and difficult to maintain.
    c) It poses a risk of electrical shorts and corrosion.
    d) It is not effective in cooling high-performance components.
  39. Which supercomputer is known for its use in life sciences and bioinformatics research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  40. What is the term for a supercomputer’s ability to continue functioning in the event of hardware failures?
    a) Redundancy
    b) Reprogramming
    c) Overclocking
    d) Parallelism
  41. Which supercomputer manufacturer is known for its Blue Gene series, focused on biological and medical research?
    a) IBM
    b) Cray Research
    c) Fujitsu
    d) NVIDIA
  42. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for nuclear simulations and stockpile stewardship?
    a) Summit
    b) Tianhe-2
    c) Roadrunner
    d) Blue Gene
  43. What technology is used for cooling in the Fujitsu K computer?
    a) Liquid immersion cooling
    b) Air cooling
    c) Water cooling
    d) Cryogenic cooling
  44. In the context of supercomputing, what does “RISC” stand for?
    a) Reduced Instruction Set Computer
    b) Random Integrated Supercomputer Chip
    c) Redundant Information Storage Cluster
    d) Reliable In-System Configuration
  45. Which of the following supercomputers is known for its use in cryptography and cybersecurity research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  46. Which supercomputer was the first to break the petaFLOPS barrier in 2008?
    a) IBM Roadrunner
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) ASCI Red
  47. What technology is commonly used for supercomputer interconnects to reduce latency and improve communication?
    a) Gigabit Ethernet
    b) Fiber optics
    c) Coaxial cables
    d) Bluetooth
  48. Which of the following is a metric used to measure energy efficiency in supercomputers?
    a) SPEC
    b) Green500
    c) HPL
    d) TOP500
  49. Which of the following components is critical for supercomputers designed for quantum computing?
    a) CPUs
    b) GPUs
    c) Qubits
    d) RAM
  50. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational chemistry?
    a) Drug discovery and molecular modeling
    b) Web development
    c) Video editing
    d) Cryptocurrency mining
  51. What supercomputer is associated with the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Roadrunner
    d) Sunway TaihuLight
  52. Which of the following supercomputers is known for its use in space and astrophysics research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  53. What is the primary goal of supercomputers used in molecular dynamics simulations?
    a) Modeling the behavior of particles and molecules
    b) Playing video games
    c) Solving crossword puzzles
    d) Processing financial transactions
  54. Which supercomputer is associated with the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, China?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  55. What technology is used to accelerate machine learning and AI workloads in supercomputers?
    a) Quantum computing
    b) Deep learning algorithms
    c) GPUs
    d) DNA computing
  56. Which organization developed and maintains the LINPACK benchmark used to rank supercomputers?
    a) IEEE
    b) NASA
    c) The University of Tennessee
    d) IBM
  57. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD)?
    a) Simulating fluid flow and heat transfer
    b) Analyzing stock market data
    c) Running e-commerce websites
    d) Playing online games
  58. Which supercomputer architecture is designed for executing a single instruction across multiple data elements?
    a) SIMD
    b) MIMD
    c) SISD
    d) MISD
  59. Which of the following supercomputers is known for its use in energy research and materials science?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Sunway TaihuLight
  60. What is the primary advantage of using parallel processing in supercomputing?
    a) Faster processing of complex tasks
    b) Lower power consumption
    c) Easier maintenance
    d) Reduced hardware costs
  61. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for climate modeling and atmospheric research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  62. What technology is used to create a fault-tolerant system in supercomputing?
    a) Redundancy
    b) Liquid cooling
    c) Quantum computing
    d) Artificial intelligence
  63. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational biology?
    a) Genomic sequencing and protein folding simulations
    b) Architectural design
    c) Social media analytics
    d) Weather forecasting
  64. What is the primary function of a cooling tower in a supercomputer data center?
    a) Cooling the water used for liquid cooling systems
    b) Providing backup power
    c) Storing data
    d) Hosting web applications
  65. Which supercomputer is known for its use in simulating nuclear explosions for scientific research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  66. Which programming language is often used for high-performance computing (HPC) applications, especially in scientific and engineering fields?
    a) Python
    b) C++
    c) JavaScript
    d) Swift
  67. Which of the following is not a supercomputer manufacturer?
    a) Lenovo
    b) Hewlett-Packard
    c) Microsoft
    d) Dell
  68. Which supercomputer is known for its use in particle physics research at CERN?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  69. What technology is used to enhance the reliability and performance of supercomputer storage systems?
    a) SSDs (Solid-State Drives)
    b) Hard disk drives
    c) Tape drives
    d) Optical drives
  70. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational finance?
    a) Risk analysis and complex financial modeling
    b) Music production
    c) Video streaming
    d) Social networking
  71. What is the primary purpose of benchmarking in supercomputing?
    a) To compare and evaluate the performance of different systems
    b) To create artistic designs
    c) To test the durability of hardware
    d) To measure the quality of software code
  72. Which supercomputer is known for its use in simulating earthquakes and seismic research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  73. What technology is commonly used for supercomputer data storage, offering high capacity and reliability?
    a) Hard disk drives (HDDs)
    b) SSDs (Solid-State Drives)
    c) Floppy disks
    d) Magnetic tapes
  74. Which supercomputer is associated with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Roadrunner
    d) Sunway TaihuLight
  75. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of astrophysics?
    a) Simulating the behavior of celestial bodies
    b) 3D animation rendering
    c) E-commerce transactions
    d) Social media posting
  76. Which of the following is not a supercomputer cooling method?
    a) Air cooling
    b) Water cooling
    c) Solar cooling
    d) Liquid immersion cooling
  77. Which supercomputer is known for its use in molecular dynamics simulations and drug discovery?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  78. What technology is used for supercomputer storage that provides high-speed data access and is commonly used in conjunction with HDDs?
    a) Flash memory
    b) CD-ROMs
    c) Magnetic tapes
    d) Floppy disks
  79. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of nuclear physics?
    a) Simulating nuclear reactions and particle interactions
    b) Video game development
    c) Email communication
    d) Website hosting
  80. Which of the following is not a common interconnect technology used in supercomputing clusters?
    a) Ethernet
    b) InfiniBand
    c) Myrinet
    d) Wi-Fi
  81. Which supercomputer is known for its use in studying the behavior of earthquakes and tsunamis?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  82. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational physics?
    a) Simulating physical phenomena and solving complex equations
    b) Streaming music and videos
    c) Online shopping
    d) Social media sharing
  83. Which supercomputer is known for its use in simulating the behavior of fluids and gases in aerospace and automotive industries?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  84. What technology is used for supercomputer interconnects to achieve low-latency communication between processors?
    a) Fiber optics
    b) Coaxial cables
    c) Twisted-pair cables
    d) Satellite links
  85. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for studying plasma physics and fusion research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Wendelstein 7-X
  86. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational aeronautics?
    a) Simulating aerodynamic behavior of aircraft
    b) Online dating
    c) Social networking
    d) Cryptocurrency mining
  87. Which supercomputer is known for its use in materials science, chemistry, and physics simulations?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  88. What technology is commonly used for supercomputer storage that offers the highest data capacity and long-term archival storage?
    a) Magnetic tapes
    b) SSDs (Solid-State Drives)
    c) Hard disk drives (HDDs)
    d) Optical drives
  89. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational seismology?
    a) Simulating seismic waves and earthquake behavior
    b) Streaming movies
    c) Online gaming
    d) Social media updates
  90. Which of the following is not a commonly used parallel programming model in supercomputing?
    a) OpenMP
    b) CUDA
    c) C#
    d) MPI
  91. Which supercomputer is known for its use in high-energy physics research and the study of subatomic particles?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Roadrunner
    d) Sunway TaihuLight
  92. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of climate modeling?
    a) Simulating climate patterns and predicting climate change
    b) Hosting online forums
    c) Online shopping
    d) Web development
  93. Which technology is used to connect multiple supercomputers or data centers to form a high-performance computing cluster?
    a) High-speed internet
    b) Optical fiber
    c) Twisted-pair cables
    d) Copper wires
  94. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for oceanography and marine science research?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) NEC Earth Simulator
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  95. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational geophysics?
    a) Simulating geophysical processes and subsurface imaging
    b) Online blogging
    c) Social media updates
    d) Online advertising
  96. Which supercomputer is known for its use in particle and nuclear physics experiments at Fermilab?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Fujitsu K computer
  97. What technology is commonly used for interconnecting multiple racks of supercomputers within a data center?
    a) Ethernet
    b) InfiniBand
    c) Wi-Fi
    d) DSL
  98. What is the primary use of supercomputers in the field of computational ecology?
    a) Modeling ecosystems and biodiversity
    b) Creating social media content
    c) Playing video games
    d) E-commerce transactions
  99. Which of the following is a supercomputer designed for nuclear fusion research at ITER?
    a) IBM Blue Gene
    b) Cray XT5
    c) Tianhe-2
    d) Wendelstein 7-X
  100. What technology is used for supercomputer interconnects to enable high-speed data transfers and low-latency communication?
    a) InfiniBand
    b) Dial-up modem
    c) ISDN
    d) Token Ring


Here are the answers to the multiple-choice questions on supercomputers:

  1. a) Scientific simulations
  2. b) Cray Research
  3. a) Floating Point Operations Per Second
  4. a) SIMD
  5. a) Seymour Cray
  6. b) Linux
  7. a) IBM Blue Gene
  8. c) Fortran
  9. c) Geekbench
  10. c) To link multiple processors for communication
  11. c) NEC Earth Simulator
  12. d) Theoretical Operations Performance
  13. b) Distributed-memory
  14. a) IBM Roadrunner
  15. a) IBM Blue Gene
  16. c) Tianhe-2
  17. a) SIMD
  18. b) To prevent overheating and maintain optimal operating temperature
  19. b) SKIF
  20. a) IBM Blue Gene
  21. a) Liquid cooling
  22. a) Summit
  23. d) TOP500
  24. c) NEC Earth Simulator
  25. b) To provide backup in case of hardware failures
  26. b) Cray Research
  27. b) A supercomputer with a processing speed of one exaflop per second
  28. d) Aquasar
  29. a) SIMD
  30. a) It predicts the doubling of supercomputer performance every two years.
  31. c) Linux
  32. b) InfiniBand
  33. c) Microsoft
  34. d) Sunway TaihuLight
  35. a) Cost
  36. c) Message passing
  37. a) Summit
  38. c) It poses a risk of electrical shorts and corrosion.
  39. a) IBM Blue Gene
  40. a) Redundancy
  41. a) IBM
  42. c) Roadrunner
  43. a) Liquid immersion cooling
  44. a) Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  45. a) IBM Blue Gene
  46. a) IBM Roadrunner
  47. b) Fiber optics
  48. b) Green500
  49. c) Qubits
  50. a) Drug discovery and molecular modeling
  51. c) Roadrunner
  52. c) NEC Earth Simulator
  53. a) Modeling the behavior of particles and molecules
  54. c) Tianhe-2
  55. c) GPUs
  56. c) The University of Tennessee
  57. a) Simulating fluid flow and heat transfer
  58. a) SIMD
  59. a) Sunway TaihuLight
  60. a) Faster processing of complex tasks
  61. c) NEC Earth Simulator
  62. a) Redundancy
  63. a) Genomic sequencing and protein folding simulations
  64. a) Cooling the water used for liquid cooling systems
  65. a) IBM Blue Gene
  66. b) C++
  67. c) Microsoft
  68. a) IBM Blue Gene
  69. a) SSDs (Solid-State Drives)
  70. a) Risk analysis and complex financial modeling
  71. a) To compare and evaluate the performance of different systems
  72. c) NEC Earth Simulator
  73. a) Hard disk drives (HDDs)
  74. c) Roadrunner
  75. a) Simulating the behavior of celestial bodies
  76. c) Solar cooling
  77. a) Flash memory
  78. a) Genomic sequencing and protein folding simulations
  79. a) Simulating nuclear reactions and particle interactions
  80. a) Ethernet
  81. a) Simulating seismic waves and earthquake behavior
  82. a) Simulating physical phenomena and solving complex equations
  83. a) Simulating the behavior of fluids and gases in aerospace and automotive industries
  84. b) Coaxial cables
  85. a) Simulating plasma physics and fusion research
  86. a) Simulating aerodynamic behavior of aircraft
  87. a) IBM Blue Gene
  88. a) Magnetic tapes
  89. a) Simulating geophysical processes and subsurface imaging
  90. c) C#
  91. c) Roadrunner
  92. a) Simulating climate patterns and predicting climate change
  93. b) Optical fiber
  94. c) NEC Earth Simulator
  95. a) Simulating geophysical processes and subsurface imaging
  96. c) Tianhe-2
  97. a) Ethernet
  98. a) Modeling ecosystems and biodiversity
  99. d) Wendelstein 7-X
  100. a) InfiniBand

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